Thursday 5 November 2009

Scans of drawn plan Front Page and Contents Page

Front Cover

This is a scan of my first front cover design, I wanted to the front cover to be easily readable and not too clutterd, so I went for a simple layout and design.

Contents Page

For the contents page I wanted a plain and ordinary design, with nothing else cluttering the page but the page titles and page numbers.

Monday 19 October 2009


Picture 1) Student Aimee Kindell in Buttery (College Canteen)

I took this photo, as I thought it would relate to the target audience of having a student placed in a student-friendly enviroment. I will choose this picture for my final design because I think its the most relevant to the objective.

Picture 2) Picture of Friend In London on College Trip (2008-2009 year)
I chose to use this picture because it relates to part of my magazine contents "College Trips" and would also be relevent for a front cover as it displays exiting things that can happen at college and maybe attract readers.


For this Preliminary task I have been asked to re-create a college magazine for Students and possibly Teachers. I will design the magazines front cover and contents page using Adobe InDesign and blogging my work using


Overall I think the process of designing and creating my SCD magazine went rather well, I found the begining stage of the designing process the most difficult, especially coming up with a name and slogan that would attract my target audience. Once I had decided on that the process began to run a lot smoother, I found the introduction to rather easy as it's simple and straight forward to use and i'd say useable for any individual. Using the programme InDesign was a little bit tricky as I was the first time I had ever been introduced to a more advanced software, even with previous experience with Adobe photoshop I still struggled a little in getting to grips with the tools etc. My final front cover has turned out a little bit differently to my original plan, i made these decisions to try make the magazine more interesting and eye catching to my target audience (SDC students) to do this I changed the colouring, font and backgrounds. But over all I am pleased with my final product and think the magazine will serve the purpose for what I designed it to do.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Contents Page

For my contents page I wanted to keep it nice and simple, not to over crowed the page with images/text etc that won't be read or even acknowledged, so i decided to go with a simple and typical contents page (kind of like a book) with a heading and just a paragraph with the page numbers and what there relevent about.

I decided to stick with the same colour scheme as the front cover because i didn't want to loose the feel of the magazine and i wanted the magazine pages to flow nicely after one and other.
"Print Screen of Contents Page Design"

Monday 12 October 2009

Front Cover

For the front cover of my magazine, i decided to part with some aspects of the original drawn plan, this was because i felt that the original design placed out on the indesign document looked very dull looking and also unrelatable to my target audience. i decided to use a colour scheme in my design, i chose the navy blue colour because i felt like it was relevent to the college logo. for my image i decided to take a photo of 'Aimee Kindell' a student at the college, i decided to take her photo in the 'Buttery' because i wanted my image to be in a possitive student friendly enviroment. I decided to use one font only on my front cover as i didn't want my cover to look to clutterd together and un-attractive to my audience, therefore i kept the same font and colouring to insure that this never happend. For my subheadings and titles such as "Autumn Term Issue/Edition" i decided to keep the same font as the titles but changed the font colour to black and added a grey background, i decided to do this because i wanted more of a dramatic affect with the colour change, to draw more attention to the cover and make my audience want to pick it up and read it, also i wanted the audience to know that the magazine would be release a new edition/issue each term (spring, summer, autumn and winter terms) I decided to add the college name down the left hand side of my magazine "SUSSEX DOWNS" basically to present the magazine in a more formal, individual way, reasuring the audience that the magazine is about their college. I created my slogan "Your College... Be In The Know!" i decided on this because i was aiming to inspire the readers to take an interest in their college and whats going on, what effects or benifits them as individual students.

(below: original photo of Aimee in Buttery)

"Print Screen of Front Cover"